Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Title of this Blog

Starting this blog has been on my mind since, well... I can't remember exactly, but I think it was right after the General Conference in April. In doing this blog, I am following a prompting from the Holy Spirit.

I've taken too long in starting this up, but I'm glad that I'm finally working on it. I've been concerned about how to proceed. I wanted it to be just right. The first thing I really wanted was a good title. Something that really portrayed what this blog is all about and really expresses how I feel about my testimony of Jesus Christ and His established church on the earth.

I've titled the blog "Worshiping the TRUE and Living God" after a verse I came across a couple of weeks ago. I had followed a link to the Encyclopedia of Mormonism I had found on my Best Friend's religious blog, "Why I Choose Mormonism". I was researching a few of my favorite people from the scriptures, one of which was Mother Eve. There was an incredible scripture listed about her, and when I read it, I felt that I wanted to be identified in the same way. The entry states, "President Joseph F. Smith saw her in vision in 1918: among the great and mighty ones in the celestial congregation of the righteous, he beheld our glorious Mother Eve, with many of her faithful daughters who had lived through the ages and worshipped the true and living God(Doctrine & Covenants 138:39).

You should know that I have a testimony of the Savior, even My Savior, Jesus the Christ. He lives. I also know that He has established His church on the earth... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He leads and guides it through a living prophet; Thomas S. Monson. My testimony of these truths burns within my bossom, and is given to me by the power of the Holy Ghost.

I will state now, that it is my desire to be counted among the faithful daughters of Eve who lived her life worshiping the TRUE and LIVING God.


Julie said...

I am so glad you started this blog Christy. It is an excellent way to share your influence for good, and I'm sure will help others in ways unknown to you.

CM Stephensen said...

Thanks Jules! Your the Best!

Team Laws said...

Cast thy abread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. (Eccl 11:1)
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I hope your time and effort is rewarded. I am finding joy in preparing my entries and seeking the companionship of the Holy Ghost as I do so!
Keep going!!

Groverskate said...

I always learn and grow stronger from you.